Jefta Tanate graduated at ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Arnhem, The Netherlands. His internship at Scapino Ballet Rotterdam launched him into the Dutch dance scene. Since than he has adopted multiple techniques and methodes such as Contact-Improvisation, Martial Arts and
Circus. He had the opportunity to develop this within companies like Maas TD and Arch8. Where he came across with Mime. In Maas TD he developed a new perspective on movement. Other than big majestic tricks and flips. There he learned to appreciate the small and subtleness use of the body what could change outcome of a scene completely. Nowadays he often goes towards the
Spanish island Ibiza where he has met people from all walks of life, but sharing the same urge to create. These people are called Ritual. A mix of circus, theatre, dance and other forms of live performance. The work will soon go towards the theatre and all places where it gets drawn too. He also is active in Panama.

Photo by Tristán Pérez-Martín

Class description

more info will follow soon