Welcome to the Henny Jurriëns Studio official website!

Established in 1995, the Henny Jurriëns Studio is Europe’s leading training center for freelance dance professionals. We offer year-round daily classes in both Ballet and Contemporary. We further organize workshops, dance labs, masterclasses and 4 seasonal intensives.

Each year, 2500+ dancers from over 50+ countries join our program and come to train in our studios. Check out the video above to catch some of our studios’ vibes. We look forward to having you!

What dancers and teachers say about us

I had a great experience with the HJS organization and wanted to tell you that you are my highlight of the year!!! I will recommend you to dancers aroud me and I hope I will see you soon! 

Milena dancer from Serbia

It’s great that HJS keeps evolving and creates opportunities for the dance scene where no one in Holland has provided it yet. I’m exited to see where it will go!

Jade dancer from The Netherlands

Please keep on offering this great variety of opportunities – I think it is very valuable for aspiring dancers and professional dancers of all kind looking to develop their dancing.

Dancer from Thailand

I’m glad I took classes there, such a nice experience! Thank you to invite all talented teachers giving class and  organizing  it. I’m looking forward to take part in classes again in next year.

Pin-Chen dancer from Taiwan

The organization was fantastic, the level of the dancers was very high and the school was amazing.

Susanna dancer from Italy

De Amsterdam Summer Intensive was een van de meest opwindende en creatieve ervaringen die ik als danser heb gehad. Het werken met betrokken kunstenaars en docenten uit de hele wereld, de verschillende methodieken, de kennismaking met zoveel dansers… het heeft mijn horizon verbreed. Maar daarbovenop ontmoette ik Vittoria de Ferrari, die mij heel goed vond en een auditie voor me regelde bij het fameuze Les Ballets C de la B (Alain Platel). En… ik werd aangenomen! Dank voor HJS die met zijn programma’s niet alleen kansen biedt voor dansers maar hen ook omringt met een zeer grote interesse en zorg.

Dario, dancer from Italy