Jill Henis

Jill Henis, originally from Vancouver Canada, is an international dance artist, teacher,
dramaturge and mentor. Her professional career, spanning, over 30years, has included;
classical ballet companies, contemporary companies, multi-disciplinary collaborations,
collectives and independent contracts for stage and theatre. Selections: Ballet Nacional
De Cuba, Havana: Evergreen City Ballet, Washington: Chrissie Parrot Dance Co., Perth
and multi-year touring contract throughout South East Asia with choreographer Robert
Gulliam. In 2009 Jill founded a not-for-profit dance company, mixOLOGYdancemine,
and professional training initiative; The Practice. Her choreography was presented
throughout Western Canada within festivals and presentation houses. Jill was awarded
lead choreographer and Assistant Director for the 2010 Winter Olympic Torch
Ceremony held in Saskatoon, Canada. Until 2022 Jill was a senior ballet faculty
member for Vancouver’s HarbourDance Centre and guest instructor for companies such
as; Ballet British Columbia, Contemporary Dance Wyoming and Decidedly Jazz
DanceWorks. Currently, Jill is an Adjunct Professor at the Conservatory of Performing
Arts at Point Park University (Pittsburgh) and is honoured to continue working with
Vancouver’s Alexis Fletcher both as dramaturge and rehearsal director.
{ alexisfletcher.ca / BelleSpiraleDanceProjects }

Class info

Jill’s classes are designed to support the variety of needs required in an open class
environment. Her ballet class offers a fulfilling barre with emphasis on supporting the
dancer’s body-health and expression. Centre work is built with clarity and flow. From
simple yet generous plies to flying grande allegro; we dance, we breathe, we connect,
we choose.