Corona Dossier info

Corona measurements  Dutch Government for ZZP

Billions package for corona-dupe victims: what’s in it for my company?

On March 17, the Dutch government decided on a whole package of measurements:

Temporary provision of income support for self-employed persons (ZZP-ers)
There will be temporary income support for self-employed people with a viable business who are temporarily in difficulty. This scheme also applies to self-employed persons. The scheme is based on the existing Bbz (Decree on assistance for the self-employed), but will be dealt with and provided more quickly. This provision has temporarily flexible conditions because of the special situation in the Netherlands: for example, the income support for living expenses does not have to be repaid later.

The scheme allows self-employed persons to apply for support in the form of a supplementary livelihood allowance and/or a loan for working capital. Just like the Bbz, this scheme is implemented by municipalities. This is where you can submit your application. 

I don’t have any more income as a freelancer. Where can I go?
At the municipality. For a special, temporary arrangement with which self-employed people receive a supplement for living expenses for a period of three months. This arrangement supplements the income up to the social minimum and does not have to be repaid. The capital and partner test that normally applies is cancelled. As a result, the self-employed do not have to draw on their savings and can also receive a benefit if their partner still has income. The procedure to qualify for this income support will be accelerated.

The scheme will apply retroactively from 1 March 2020. Minister Koolmees urged zzp’ers not to run to the municipality immediately tomorrow. “Because we do need time to set this up, so wait for further notice”, he explained.

MORE info:

Ik heb contact met een groot Amsterdams schoolbestuur en momenteel zijn de basisscholen druk met het regelen van online scholing. Het zou kunnen dat er extra mensen nodig zijn om kinderen op te vangen van ouders die “vitale beroepen” hebben. Zij hebben namelijk recht op kinderopvang en mogelijk hebben de leerkrachten daar geen tijd voor i.v.m. online scholing.

Misschien wordt het niets, en hoe dat financieel eruit zou gaan zien is ook nog een vraag,  maar wie weet kunnen we helpen, en het zou een kans zijn voor wat werk…

Volg deze link: 

Veel sterkte deze tijd, stay healthy, stay safe!!

Hartelijke groet,  Ineke 


Dear dancers and teachers,

After much thought and discussion amongst ourselves and with a number of HJS dancers & teachers, we have decided to cancel all studio classes until at least the 6 th of April. Although the Dutch government does not (yet) forbid dance studios to give classes, we feel that we have to consider the safety and health of the HJS dancers, teachers, employees and the general society as the highest priority at this moment. Situations – like ours -where many people are close together and touch the same surfaces are apparently the ones that are most conducive for spreading the Coronavirus. Furthermore, the international character of HJS dancers means that the chances of infection are probably higher than in more homogenous situations.

We are sure you understand this decision, which is painful for all of us. We need to support each other, and keep our community alive, so we are considering some other options, including online classes, outdoor classes etc. We are open to your input and suggestions about this!

In the meantime, we encourage everyone to keep in touch with our website and socials. Our dance profession is known for its creativity and inventiveness, so keep faith, keep healthy, keep moving, follow ‘social distancing’ rules, and above all, keep your spirits up!

We will keep you updated about when classes will restart.

Here an inspiring initiative by choreographer and “HJS dancer” Klevis Elmazaj: #keepdancingchallenge