M. Eugenia Demeglio

Originally from Italy, M. Euge­nia Demeglio is currently based in Athens, Greece. She has studied Countertechnique since 2007 and had an internship as Anouk van Dijk’s assistant in 2008. She was selected to attend the Countertechnique Teacher Training program in 2014 and has been teaching Countertechnique since then.

After grad­u­at­ing in Italy from the Art and Dance High­ School, M. Eugenia Demeglio obtained a BA in Chore­og­ra­phy at Codarts Rot­ter­dam (the Netherlands) in 2008 and an MA in Cura­to­r­ial Prac­tice in 2010 at Fal­mouth Uni­ver­sity (UK). She has since then been working as an independent artist and teacher.

Her artist prac­tice includes move­ment and impro­vi­sa­tion per­for­mances, instal­la­tions, participatory events, videos and com­mu­nity projects. Her works have been pre­sented in var­i­ous insti­tu­tions in The Nether­lands, Italy, France, Greece and Austria. Next to her career as an artist, M. Eugenia Demeglio is also an Associate Lec­turer in Dance Train­ing at Fal­mouth Uni­ver­sity, and on a freelance basis also thoroughly enjoys teaching impro-work­shops to actors and non-dancers.

A class of Countertechnique transcends mere repetition and physical exercise for impeccable bodies, in favor of the training of an all-round performer: it stimulates to a high level both the body and mind of an individual, as well as the relationship between them and movement, towards a healthy and joyful approach to dancing, a proper citizenship of the body.